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Klimatfrukost 25: Leadership and capacity building for climate neutral cities 2030

The transition to become climate neutral 2030 requires that cities work in new ways. In this climate breakfast we explore how the cities of Valencia and Stockholm have handled this challenge in terms of leadership, organisation and capacity building. We also learn more about new tools such as portfolio management and the role of intermediary organisations such as citiES 2030 in Spain and Viable Cities in Sweden, for supporting this development.

Medverkar gör:

  • Jordi Peris, General Coordinator of Urban Strategies and Sustainable Agenda at Valencia City Council
  • Erica Eneqvist, Coordinator Climate Neutral Stockholm at the City of Stockholm
  • Miguel Soberón Mas, researcher at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
  • Kateryna Pereverza, researcher at KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Viable Cities är ett strategiskt innovationsprogram med missionen Klimatneutrala städer 2030 med ett gott liv för alla inom planetens gränser. Programmet finansieras av Energimyndigheten, Vinnova och Formas och samordnas av KTH.

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