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Viable Cities at Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona, 13 – 15 November


Barcelona Smart City Expo World Congress is the world’s leading event for cities, that provides a unique meeting spot for smart city sectors and an innovative platform for urban action worldwide.

In 2018, the event intends to reflect on what makes a city livable, what happens when “gentrification” changes the whole social character of a neighborhood, and how sharing can transform the way it operates so that it can become more sustainable, resilient, inclusive and smarter with a focus on people.

This is also the first year when Viable Cities is participating in the event with the purpose to monitor international development in the area, to connect with strategically important international actors and to strengthen cooperation with Viable Cities members. We will have a booth in the Nordic pavilion during all three days of the Smart Cities Expo and Congress on 13 – 15 November.

Planned activities

Tuesday, 13 November:
10:00  – Informal meetup outside the Expo entrance for Viable Cities members and other interested Swedish actors.

Wednesday, 14 November:
16:30 – 17:30 – seminar ”Swedish approach to smart sustainable cities”. Patricipation from e g the cities of Uppsala and Umeå. Followed directly by Nordic Happy Hour.

Thursday, 15 November:
14:00 –  Informal meetup at the Nordic Pavilion for Viable Cities members and other interested Swedish actors. A moment to share reflections from Smart City Expo World Congress.

Viable Cities är ett strategiskt innovationsprogram med missionen Klimatneutrala städer 2030 med ett gott liv för alla inom planetens gränser. Programmet finansieras av Energimyndigheten, Vinnova och Formas och samordnas av KTH.

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