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för klimatsmarta städer

Sustainable investing is booming, unlocking adoption of clean technologies, scaling up social enterprises and accelerating the transition to low carbon economies. Research shows that bonds support a holistic view of sustainable cities. The project, researchers, private sector and local authorities, will accelerate investment in viable cities by co-creating a sustainable city bond framework:

  1. review impact frameworks and metrics, and co-create framework for impact investing, focusing on sustainable cities;
  2. lead in the engagement of stakeholders to understand needs and priorities for sustainable cities;
  3. mobilise the supply and demand side of the market to ensure that sustainable financing supports a holistic view of sustainable cities.

With a blueprint for integrating social and climate impact metrics in sustainable city bonds, the project aim to leverage the proceed pre-screening, monitoring and reporting steps to mobilize capital flows for sustainability.


  • Projektledare: Fedra Vanhuyse, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
  • Partners: SEI, Scandinavian Clean Technologies Group AB, Stiftelsen Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research
  • Total budget: 6 000 000 SEK
  • Sökt bidrag: 3 000 000 SEK
  • Startdatum: 2019-11-22 
  • Slutdatum: 2022-10-31
  • Typ av satsning: Forskning
  • Nyckelord: Sustainable finance, holistic city view, co-creation with authorities and investors

Viable Cities är ett strategiskt innovationsprogram med missionen Klimatneutrala städer 2030 med ett gott liv för alla inom planetens gränser. Programmet finansieras av Energimyndigheten, Vinnova och Formas och samordnas av KTH.

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