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Viable Cities participates at SCEWC


Smart City Expo World Congress (Barcelona, November 15-17) is the leading international event for the smart city sector, a key meeting point for experts and leaders of the world’s most innovative cities, companies, research centers and international organizations. Over 24,000 professionals are expected from more than 700 cities and over 400 international speakers that will share their vision on how to build a more sustainable and livable urban future.

This year’s event will focus on eight main tracks touching the most pressing issues facing cities: Enabling Technologies, Energy & Environment, Mobility, Governance, Living & Inclusion, Economy, Infrastructures & Buildings and Safety & Security.

After last year’s success, the event will blend the physical venue with the digital space, allowing us to reach a wider audience while giving everybody the opportunity to experience the event in full.

More information at

Viable Cities är ett strategiskt innovationsprogram med missionen Klimatneutrala städer 2030 med ett gott liv för alla inom planetens gränser. Programmet finansieras av Energimyndigheten, Vinnova och Formas och samordnas av KTH.

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